

We are located on a straight section of Route 132 (Also known as Weekeepeemee RD) in Woodbury CT. Our Street number is 281


Farm Stand Hours

Open everyday but Monday’s 10 am - 5 pm -

During Sunflower Field Walk Days The Stand will be open until 7pm.

Sunflower Field Walk

Sunflower Walk Requires a ticket, and is only open

August 4th-7th 10am - 6pm (last ticket entry; field open until 7pm)

August 11th - 14th 10am - 6pm (last ticket entry; field open until 7pm)

August 18th - 21st 10am-6pm (last ticket entry; field open until 7pm)

August 25th- 28th 10am-6pm (last ticket entry; field open until 7pm)

Tickets only available online and by time slot. See Purchase Tickets